Thursday, 1 September 2011

The quit India moment...

We are all part of system irrespective of if we like it or not. Every system will have its own good and bad elements but when we accept the bad elements to be a part and parcel of our life it signals danger. As humans we fall in to temptation when there come situations where a Rs.50 bribe may seem to be a better way off than a Rs.500 fine or taking  day off to stand in a que to get our job done seems to be expensive than a Rs.1000 note. 

Over a period of time we have accepted bribe to be a norm of life. Today how many of us believe we can get a job done in the government department without bribe or get a contract without paying bribe. The word politics has been associated with rogue elements and more than 30% of our elected representatives have been charge sheeted for criminal activities. Today honesty in public life has become a paradox.

The Janlokapl movement by Anna Hazzare is a significant one as it shook the collective conscience of few people even if it lasted for less than a fortnight. It sent shivers into the leaders who had taken the people who elect them for granted. It has signalled a warning bell to the politicans about the dangers of the path they are treading on. It also have given hope to  honest politicians that they do stand a chance to be heard.

Few wise men have questioned the wisdom of common man to challenge the system of constitution but the bigger question they need to ask is why are people questioning. What will happen if the same people were charmed by a leader who follows a system of not non-violence. When a system is perfect and without any scope for improvement it is a candidate to crash and vanish. Our democracy and constitution is just sixty years old, it is nothing compared to the legacy of our civilization. Democracy is new to us, there is lot of scope for improvement in the way we conduct it. The Janlokpal movement is just a way to breath that fresh thought into the system to ensure the purpose of democracy is put back in track. 

Things will not change overnight, it needs sustained efforts to ensure those dreams are realized. Sometime in future looking back this might the quit india movement or the sepoy mutiny that sowed seeds for corruption free India.

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