Thursday 9 December 2010

Operation Pay back and Assange - Rise of a new world order or just a blip in the radar?

I am not sure why the hue and cue about wikileaks is being raised. It just reminds me aboutstory of the emperors new clothes.

I dont think we are naive enough to think that the politicians are straight forward, honest blah... blah... When was politics all about playing straightforward. It has always been a mix of cunningness and ruthlessness without which the world of politics will not exist.


Most of the information that has been leaked has already been in the know how and speaken in a hush hush manner. Wikileaks was just audacious enough to stand up and tell hey Mr.Emperor here is the mirror and look you are naked. This has shamed the emperor because it has touched upon the collective consciense of normal people like you and me. They cant preach the good values of beinghonest to us. Now if every one of us become cunning than there will not be any plance for politicians and they are scared about that. It is not that they did not know they were walking naked, it was just that they were bold, because they wearing the condoms called power.

What Assange has done is that he has removed the condoms from the power dicks. Poor guy never had a good luck with condoms. How naive of him, even after reading through the GB's of classified data he did not know that when you screw up without protection cover you will be charged with rape.

One question that has been ranking in my mind was who will take action against those whose crimes far more serious has been exposed by wikileaks. I am sure they will walk free as they are well protected with condoms all around them.

But when I heard about #operationpayback a counter attack launched by internet activists as a revenge on Amazon, PayPal, PostFinance, MasterCard and Visa for either stopping services or freezing donations to WikiLeaks, some due to political pressures it signalled to me the emergence of new age warriors who will not bow down to these power dicks. Maybe this will die off soon but it has clearly rung the warning bells of what to expect in future.

But sadly the people who are going to suffer because of this attack is not the likes of Amazon or Paypal nor the political class but the commoner who does business on these platforms.

I am not sure how many of these "internet activist" had sex without condoms, but I seriously expect some to come on news tomorrow.

Posted via email from 2rams's posterous

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