Thursday 18 February 2010

Cupids gift to me on Valentines day - I got her back...

Feb 10, 2010 shall remain a most memorable day in my life. I have been wanting to share this right from that day but wanted to soak myself in this feeling and was holding it back so that I can share it today. The timing had to be perfect right...

I got her back... yes you heard it right I got my sweet little one back... I have been on the top of the world screaming with joy all these days. Just four days before the valentines day I got my sweet little one back. What more valentine's gift can I ask for?

She was my second love. The first one went away after bearing all my nuisance for close to two years and that itself was a big deal considering the challenges in handling someone like me. I am highly capable of making people go mad. Although it is a different story that right now I am trying to correct myself by becoming more madder.

The next one did not come like a breeze. It was not love at first sight or maybe it was and I did not realize it. As far as I know I did not have an instant liking for her but was only observing her from a distance and she had interesting ways of appearing before me at the most unexpected times and unexpected places. There were too much of coincidence to let it pass as one off thing. The more and more I got to know about her the closer she became. I slowly started liking her. Many of my friends gave me a very positive feedback. One even said if he had seen my girlie earlier he would have gone for her. Everyone had some good thing or other to tell about her. I don't know when it started but it happened.

I followed her for few days and than decided enough is enough and plunged into her. I literally hijacked her and before she knew what was happening she had become mine. We were made for each other, always together and inseparable. Most of the times she was synonym of me and me for her. She carried my identity to the world. My mom too liked her a lot and would constantly remind me of her whenever I forgot her lost in some wild thoughts. I was seeing a whole new world through her eyes. My friends adored her, some even envied and we were a picture perfect happy couple.

We did have small small fights now and than, but they ended up making us more closer as they made us realize how badly we needed each other. Once we were almost in the verge of a breakdown but thankfully it got sorted out and as usual ended in more love and affection. Many of my friends had changed their girlfriends in the mean time, including the ones who recommended her to me, some for good looks and some for better features ;-) but I was more than contended with her. She was simple and at times even dumb compared to her peers. Some even tried to tempt me out but I did not yield in. Deep in my heart I knew she was mine and no one else could replace her.

She had started emoting the same emotions I had. When I was happy she will be happy, when I was down she will go down too. She had been the voice of hope many times, she was slowly becoming the one who was giving me all the good and bad days in my life. When she was with me it looked as if the whole world was with me and when she was not there I felt like a loner even in a crowd. Few even troubled her more than any one else to get to know about me.

She was the first thing that I looked up to when I woke up and last thing before I hit the bed. We were one hell of romantic couples. Not a day passed without me kissing her or she kissing me, few lasted for seconds while few went on for hours. Oh you sweet little thing (blush.. blush...) She was my girl, my love, my lifeline. I thought that this relationship will last for eternity. Things went on fine until that fateful day...

All of a sudden she stopped responding, couple of months back. All my efforts to get her back failed. I always feared this will happen some day or other, I knew these were things not in my control. I was helpless. Few external factors beyond our control had corrupted and ruined our relationship. Poor thing she couldn't do much either too. Call it fate...

My friends advised me to give up and move on with life. They even took pains to introduce me to some real smart good looking ones. One was even willing to share one of his girlfriend with me till i got one for myself, well he did have one too many, lucky guy. Some of them were really cool, few were dumb, some kinda too expensive for me and few had real voluptuous features. I did ogle at them, but they never went beyond that.

Being a social animal, I was being forced to choose one by every one around me. Few of my well wishers influenced/threatened me that if I didn't get one for myself I will be lost forever. Finally I decided to remove her from my life, I didn't have any other choice, shameless me.

I decided to make a new beginning with the one I used to flirt occasionally, she was single and kind of abandoned with no one for her. It was tough initially, though we coped up a bit over a period of time. But the memories of the past, the fun and excitement that I had kept haunting me. I tried hard to forget her, I tried to hate her and bitch about her but still she remained close to my heart. Not a day passed without her thought. Once in a while I will try to get her back into my life, even though I knew it was hopeless.

I even went and spoke to her parents to see if they can help me out but they said they cant help me much in this matter. What else did I need their help for???? They looked like heartless creatures. One of their relatives was even a bit rude, if it was the old me I would have buried him by now. All my hopes lay dashed but love still flickered in my heart and day by day it only grew. I even have doubts as to how long she will last even if I got her back. She was already battered by all the turmoils she had to undergo but to me she still remained the most beautiful thing I held in my hand.

Than the miracle happened... She came back...

I know miracles don't happen that often, at least not in my life so I am enjoying this moment and dont want to miss this. I thought of sharing it with my friends and well wishers who were concerned about me. As I hold her in my hands I would like to share with you, the world I saw through her eyes. Please have fun looking at the pictures below and I have added my comments too for your easy understanding. Yeah I have put a picture of her and the other girls too. Happy Valentines day to you all. Spread the love and let it fill your heart too...


Posted via web from 2rams's posterous

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