Thursday 18 February 2010

The global economy in danger again... Another impending crisis? - This is no fun

Dear friends,

Today I went to the ATM to withdraw some money, to my surprise I found that I was not able to withdraw cash. I went to other ATM's nearby and faced the same problem. I immediately called up the bank to alert them about the incident. The bank officials did some verifications and after great deliberation informed me with a long face that there was no money in the bank. My repeated pleas to make for alternate arrangements fell in deaf ears.

I seriously fail to understand how banks can be so irresponsible. Banks are supposed to have enough stock of money and release it as and when we need but their failure to respond has created serious doubts in the current banking system and economy as well.

Later I got a call from a senior banker who briefed me about the gravity of the situation. After that I understood as to how the world economy was facing a serious danger and failure to act now will create a global fiasco. If you thought you were immune and safe, I got some real bad news for you. No one is safe. For simpler understanding as to how this impending global crisis will affect you, I have outlined them in a step by step process. Read on...

  1. The current situation = Kashilla
  2. Kashilla = Accountilla

  3. Accountilla = Bankilla

  4. Bankilla = Economyilla

  5. Economyilla = Kashilla for everyone.

For the benefit of international audience illa = No

Hope you realized the gravity of the situation, well I did, and have decided to take responsibility to save the world from such a serious collapse. Even if this means diverting few precious hours from Vcamp. You too can pitch in and help me out, sorry ourselves out.

I am sure there should be various ways to solve this problem, one simple way is to get my account number and deposit some Kash in it, which may or may not be returned. If you have any other interesting ideas please do let me know. “Save Me Save The World” has been coined as the name for this campaign with a twitter #SMSTW. Now, does anyone want to create a facebook fan page.

Save Me Save the World Organizer

a.rams (at) Yahoo dot com

PS: I plan to spare 10 hours per week for #SMSTW. Should you be able to spare some, let me know.

Posted via web from 2rams's posterous

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